Law of Attraction (Collab with Breakroom Buddha)
Hey guys! Welcome to a new blog post! This is one that I’ve been super excited about and has been working on for a few weeks. It is a guide to the Law of Attraction. This is part 2 of a collab with Deja from Breakroom Buddha, so go read her post first to learn what the Law of Attraction is and the history behind this practice.
To sum up what LOA is, “it is a way of getting what you desire by attracting it from the universe.” There are many ways to use LOA, but I will share with you what I use personally. Those are a vision board, affirmations, visualisation and two IG templates (downloadable for you to use).
Before we begin, there are a few notes I’d like to share. First, these things are best done in the morning, right when you wake up, because it’ll set your tone for the day. And secondly, like most new things, it’s always a good practice to start with daily goals and slowly build up to short-term/weekly goals and then long-term ones.
Vision Board
I’ve found that a vision board on Pinterest is a wonderful way to visualise what you want. For example, at the beginning of this year, I set a goal to get straight A’s this semester, and if I achieved that goal, I would buy myself an American Girl doll for my ever-growing collection (17 dolls and counting). On my vision board, I included many study tips for getting straight A’s and ways to stay on top of school work, remain organised and not fall behind. I repeatedly went back to my vision board to read over tips and remind myself of what I wanted. I also made a board with pictures of American Girl dolls to remind myself what my reward would be. All the tips helped me out when I got a job in mid-may, which I did not factor into my initial goal. With a lot of hard work, I achieved my goal of getting Straight A’s and the doll I wanted arrived a few days ago. I have restarted the same goal for my last semester of college.
Affirmations are a massive part of LOA, and they help you be more positive, increasing your vibration in the universe and attracting the things you want. An affirmation is a positive saying such as, “I allow myself to be authentic and true to myself.” Alternatively, if you are religious, promises from Jesus could be used as an affirmation. An example could be, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13). There are thousands of affirmations on Pinterest, but if you don’t mind paying a small fee, the app Affirm It is perfect. It has affirmations in different categories, meditations and a place where you can create your own.
Once you have set your goal for the day/week/month, close your eyes and imagine what you would feel like when you get the thing you want. What does your body feel like? Are you squealing with excitement? Really see yourself getting this thing, and then I want you to let it go. Yes, you heard me right. Let it go. You have already spoken it into the universe, so there’s no point dwelling on it. Go about your day. Just be sure that you are taking action to get this thing. Maybe you visualise yourself getting a job, so your action could be looking for places hiring and sending out resumes. Here’s the catch, though. The work doesn’t stop once you’ve gotten this thing. Now that you have it, you have to work to keep it. If that thing is a new job, you’ve got to show that you’re a good enough employee to stay on staff. That means not complaining, showing up to work daily, and not causing drama/trouble. I used visualisation when I did dance competitions. While visualising myself not making any mistakes in my dances, I also visualised myself having fun doing what I loved most. After my solo was over, I let it go. I did my best, and now it was up to the universe/judges to see how well I scored. With this technique, I was less nervous when I performed and scored higher in the competitions.
So that concludes my post about Law of Attraction. I hope you enjoyed this post. Make sure you like, comment, and share this post. Follow me on social media (listed below) and join my mailing list to be updated about all future posts. As always, sending you all the light and love in this world.